Joint Attention, Symbolic Play,
Engagement and Regulation
JASPER is a play-based intervention that teaches social communication skills to young children with autism, developed by Dr. Connie Kasari at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Available Now!
You can have our full-color, clinician-friendly guide to implementing the JASPER intervention. The JASPER Clinician’s Manual can be ordered from Guilford Press, Amazon, Barnes and Noble or other vendors.
“The JASPER treatment model is one of the most significant advances in early intervention for autism over the past 30 years”
— Peter Mundy, PhD, Distinguished Professor, University of California, Davis

Teaching Social Communication Skills Through Play
JASPER is successful in helping both verbal and minimally verbal children learn core social communication and play skills within a state of regulation and joint engagement. Not only do children improve in these core areas, they also show long term improvements in language.

The Results
JASPER has been tested in 10 published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) by our research team, as well as other independent research teams. This intervention has been implemented with more than 700 research participants and hundreds of clinical cases over the past 20 years and yields impressive results, with even parents and teachers able to implement the intervention and maintain improvements. Studies show evidence of improvements in these core areas while also increasing the child’s use of language over a 5 year span after the intervention.
Trainings are offered throughout the year to clinicians who are interested in becoming JASPER Certified.
The JASPER clinician’s manual is available for purchase. Supplemental printable materials and an annotated bibliography are also provided.