
Over the past 20 years, JASPER has been tested in randomized controlled trials involving nearly 700 children.

JASPER yields impressive results with professionals, parents, and teachers able to implement the intervention and maintain improvements. These studies show promising evidence that our child-centered treatment, which focuses on early social-communication deficits of joint attention and play can lead to improvements in these core areas while also increasing the child’s use of language over a 5 year span after treatment.

Research Timeline 

The research leading up to JASPER started with experimental studies exploring the characteristics of ASD in the mid-80s and early joint attention and play studies in the late 90s. Subsequent work focused on translating this work into community settings. JASPER has made significant strides to make intervention accessible to those in the community who need it most, starting with caregiver focused interventions in the early 2000s, and then leading into teacher implemented interventions, adaptations for minimally verbal children, and extensions into community health systems and international settings.